June 1, 2024

Intelligent Pigging Market is Expected to be Flourished by Growing Demand for Pipeline Maintenance and Inspection

Intelligent pigging refers to the use of in-line inspection tools known as “smart pigs” or intelligent pigs to inspect and monitor the condition of oil and gas pipelines. Intelligent pigs are spherical or cylindrical devices that travel inside pipelines using the product flow and are equipped with technology such as ultrasonic testing, magnetic flux leakage, and geometry tools to inspect the pipe for flaws and defects. Key applications of intelligent pigs include detecting corrosion, metal loss, deformation, and cracks. They also monitor pipeline parameters such as wall thickness, diameter, and ovality.

The global intelligent pigging market is estimated to be valued at US$ 1,408.3 Bn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.5% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.

Market Dynamics:

Growing demand for pipeline maintenance and inspection is expected to drive the growth of the intelligent pigging market over the forecast period. Intelligent pigs play a crucial role in identifying defects, corrosion, and cracks in pipelines to prevent failures and ensure safety during oil and gas transportation. Furthermore, stringent government mandates regarding pipeline inspections to prevent leakages and environmental damages also promote the use of inspection tools like intelligent pigs. For instance, as per the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, pipelines need to be inspected regularly using tools like intelligent pigs to ensure safety.

Another factor expected to propel the market growth is the rising deployment of intelligent pigs for ILI (in-line inspection) services across new pipeline projects. Key oil and gas companies are increasingly incorporating intelligent pigging systems in new pipelines to effectively monitor the infrastructure throughout its lifespan. This helps identify issues at an early stage and lower inspection and maintenance costs in the long run.

Segment Analysis

The intelligent pigging market is segmented based on technology such as magnetic flux leakage, ultrasonic, and others. The ultrasonic technology segment accounts for the largest market share and dominates the intelligent pigging market. Ultrasonic technology is preferred for its ability to detect internal and external pipe wall corrosion, metal loss, and crack and deformation. This technology helps in evaluating pipe wall thickness and integrity in aging pipelines to avoid unplanned shutdowns.

PEST Analysis

  • Political: Governments across the globe are focusing on pipeline integrity management programs to prevent corrosion failures and gas leakages. Stiff regulations pertaining to safety and monitoring of oil and gas pipelines is expected to drive the intelligent pigging market.
  • Economic: Rising oil and gas exploration activities and increasing spending on pipeline infrastructure development is fueling the demand for intelligent pigging solutions. Growing need to optimize productivity of aging oil and gas assets is propelling market growth.
  • Social: Intelligent pigging helps in ensuring safety of pipeline infrastructure and prevents environmental damages caused due to pipeline leaks. This addresses social and environmental concerns related to pipeline transmission of oil and gas.
  • Technological: Continuous technological advancements are expanding application scope of intelligent pigs. Recent innovations include self-propelled and multi-function inspection pigs with advanced sensors and analytics for comprehensive pipeline assessment.

Key Takeaways

The global intelligent pigging market is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period between 2023 to 2030. The global Intelligent Pigging Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 1,408.3 Bn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.5% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030.

North America dominates the market currently due to vast oil and gas pipeline network and stringent pipeline safety regulations in the region. Rapid infrastructure development in Asia Pacific is expected to drive the demand for intelligent pigs in the coming years.This can be attributed to rising investments in pipeline infrastructure development, especially in China and India. Furthermore, steps taken by governments in the region towards ensuring safety, integrity and optimized productivity of pipelines will further propel the intelligent pigging market.

Key players

Key players operating in the intelligent pigging market are LIN SCAN, T.D. Williamson, Inc., Baker Hughes Incorporated, GE Oil and Gas, NDT Global, Enduro Pipeline Services, Inc., Petrobras, OMV Group, ConocoPhillips, and Royal Dutch Shell PLC. LIN SCAN specializes in magnetic flux leakage technology while T.D. Williamson focuses on ultrasonic inspection tools. Baker Hughes and GE Oil and Gas offer a wide range of intelligent pigs for various pipeline inspection applications.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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